Natural Docs stores some project info for each project you have. Indentation doesn't matter, but you need to remember to separate topics (eg., "sub. That's Natural Docs syntax, again very straightforward and easy to read. OK, so I have a directory C:\myproject, and in it a file called mysource.bas which contains the following code:įunction bar ( byval a as integer, byval b as single ) as string I clicked the "Download" link under "Version 1.4", and extracted the files in the. MSI file and installed ActivePerl with all the default options. I clicked the "Get ActivePerl" link, clicked the "Download" link under "ActivePerl", continued past the "Contact details" screen, and downloaded the ActivePerl 5. Linux users probably already have a Perl implementation, Windows users are recommended to get ActivePerl: To get started, you'll need Perl (Natural Docs uses it).
Fortunately, unlike other documentation generators (e.g., Doxygen), the syntax for Natural Docs documentation commenting is extremely intuitive, reading very straightforward without any strange escape code symbols. Like other documentation generators (e.g., Doxygen) Natural Docs parses your source code looking for comments containing text that it understands.

For those that want an easy and robust way to provide documentation for your FreeBASIC source code, one solution is to use Natural Docs.